Research Interests
Our group applies mechanistic principles to develop new concepts in catalysis. Our goal is to advance new conceptual strategies for catalytic reactions to provide novel solutions to problems ranging from materials design, energy conversion, selective oxidation reactions, to drug delivery. Areas of focus include the development of organic or organometallic catalysts for the synthesis of macromolecules with novel chemical, physical or biological properties, selective catalytic (including electrocatalytic) redox reactions, and the application of new in-situ techniques for interrogating catalytic reactions.

Top Row (L-R): Josh Lui, Trevor Del Castillo, Sam Ran Khasnavis, David M Dumas, Conor Galvin, Summer Ramsay-Burrough, Yuan Jia, Romain Morodo Martinez, Jia Zhang
Bottom Row (L-R): Danny Maron, Josh Arens, Anna Makar-Limanov, Julia Meilu Dressel, Robert (Bob) Waymouth
We are grateful for the generous support of several funding agencies:
The National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. CHE-1607092, CHE-1565947; the Department of Energy under Grant No. DOE SC0018168; NASA under cooperative agreement award number NNX17AJ31G; the Office of Naval Research under Grant No. N0014-14-1-0551; and the Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy, the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, the SPARK Translational Research Program in the Stanford University School of Medicine, and the University of Pennsylvania Orphan Disease Center.
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, NASA, the Office of Naval Research or Stanford University.